Empowerment of Health Volunteer through the Training using Module of Health Volunteer Guidance: Children under Five Years Health Problem during Disaster


Balita (children under five years) susceptible to health problems during the evacuation at disaster. Health professional personnel have more duties and responsibilities during a disaster; so that health volunteer can be empowered to identify children under five years old health problems. The goal was health volunteer can be the identification of children under five years old health problem during a disaster. Methods: The design was pre-post test only one group by training was using the module. The training conducted three times was August 10, August 30, and September 15, 2016. Place in the meeting room of Kampung Melon Desa Wisata Modangan (Village of Melon of Tourism Village) of Nglegok Blitar. Ref [1] The module title was Modul Pegangan Kader Kesehatan: Masalah Kesehatan Balita Saat Bencana (Module of Health Volunteer Guidance: Balita Health Problem during Disaster) ISBN 978-602-6931-84-9. Training method used are brainstorming, lectures, simulations, and demonstrations. The population consisted of 45 health volunteer. The Sample consisted of 39 person health volunteer of Modangan village of Nglegok Blitar. Data collection used questionnaire and checklist prepared training materials. Data were Analyzed used descriptive of central tendency. The results were the average of health volunteer knowledge change from 5.3 +- 2.45 to 7.9 +- 1.04 and standard deviation change of 42.45%. Average of ability to identify with eight indicator measures was
increase as many as 12.16% (72.63% to 84.79%). Recommended: The module used in training by health volunteers in this situation is similar to the rural area of Modangan Nglegok Blitar.

Keywords: health volunteer, module, training, knowledge, ability

Artikel: 2017 72

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